Everspring Success Stories
From devising digital strategies to best engage prospects and boost enrollments, to university partners taking their programs online for the first time, to building stand-out programs, our teams have consistently delivered winning results. Take a look at our case studies to learn more about program outcomes and to go in-depth on how we worked with our partners to overcome their unique challenges.

Growing Enrollments Quickly With Cost-Effetive Digital Marketing
California State University, Chico sought a partner to build a portfolio of online offerings, knowing this would be essential to the College of Business’ future success. In choosing a partner, they sought flexible services to supplement their internal teams, as well as a cost-effective, fee-for-service pricing model. See what happened when they engaged Everspring.

Breakthrough Online MBA: From Regional to Nationally Ranked in Two Years
Santa Clara University’s Leavey School of Business saw the MBA market accelerate its shift online and knew it needed to bring its on-ground program online quickly. Learn what happened when SCU partnered with Everspring to build market-leading programs that teach the skills and competencies students need to succeed in the modern business landscape, including Silicon Valley.

Building a High-Quality Online Master of Social Work
Yeshiva University’s Wurzweiler School of Social Work sought a partner to build a high-quality, differentiated online Master of Social Work (MSW) that offered students flexibility to take courses on a full- or part-time basis and either on-ground or online. The program needed to ensure all students in the program would be able to meet fieldwork and licensure requirements regardless of location. Learn how partnering with Everspring allowed Wurzweiler to build, launch and scale the online MSW.

Empowering a Company’s Global Workforce Online
The University of Notre Dame needed a way to empower its global workforce. The university teams up with Everspring to develop a series of online professional development courses in data for the Pulte Institute for Global Development at Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs. This enabled international development consultants to develop their skills in collecting and analyzing data for humanitarian and global development activities.

Bringing the Best of a World-Renowned Campus Education to Life Online
William & Mary wanted to bring the university’s academic rigor, faculty excellence and tight-knit learning community to life online. The team at the Raymond A. Mason School of Business teamed up with Everspring to accomplish this, coupling their longstanding tradition of academic excellence with cutting-edge learning methodologies and technology. The Online MBA program now puts students at the forefront of innovation to teach them to think critically and develop the skills they need to tackle complex issues that arise in contemporary business.

Transforming an Online Program With Academic and Marketing Upgrades
California State University, Monterey Bay, needed help enhancing the courses and enrollments for its Online MBA program in a highly competitive market. By partnering with Everspring, CSUMB saw online enrollment nearly double and course satisfaction scores drastically increase. Learn how.

Broadening Impact With a Unique Online Law Program
Tulane University Law School wanted to bring its faculty expertise in labor and employment law into a broader market for graduate students but needed help generating interest, growing enrollments and building live and asynchronous online courses. See how partnering with Everspring made Tulane’s vision a reality.

Upgraded Online Learning Experience
Prince George’s Community College (PGCC) sought to overcome online learning obstacles and elevate the quality of its digital classrooms. Discover how Everspring's strategic partnership and innovative framework helped PGCC engage a diverse student body, especially adult learners, and enhance the quality and consistency of their online courses.